Q: How long does Shipping take? Check Shipping Page.
A: Shipping takes approximately 1-2 weeks to arrive for U.S Orders. (Clothes)
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes, Shipping times may vary depending on location. Check Shipping Page.
Q: I made mistake in my order, can I change it?
A: Please always double check if you have placed your order correctly. Please alert us about any modification requests maximally one day after you have placed your order (e.g. before the shipping starts). We cannot change anything in your order after it has been shipped.
Q: Why does the shipping begin several days after I have placed my order?
A: After we receive your order, we simply create the product on demand and conduct control checks in order to ensure the product's quality prior to shipment. The processing time varies depending on the specific product with the average processing time being approximately 2~5 days.
Q: I have a suggestion for new designs, can you make them?
A: Yes! Of course, you can send the ideas over :)!
Q: Why split an order into several orders?
A: Here are some reasons:
- The order has too many products and they all don’t fit into one box.
- Some products in the order are backordered
- Some products in the order didn’t pass 1st time quality
checking, and on it’s 2nd time quality checking.
- We have warehouses from different locations
For any other questions email: support@phpop.co